Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Running an Effective Meeting – A Checklist

The Checklist

Before the meeting:
  • The meeting objective has been defined and shared with all participants.
  • The meeting agenda has been defined and shared with all participants.
    - The agenda includes topics with owners.
    - The agenda includes time allocates for each topic.
    - The agenda is manageable given the time available for the meeting.
    - The agenda includes reasonable breaks.
    - The agenda enables participation, interaction, collection of feedback,
    decision making, and communication.
    - The agenda allows for Q&A.
  • The meeting leader is aware of potential “off-topic” discussions that may happen and is prepared to address (or table) them.
  • The meeting leader is aware of political or personality conflicts that may distract from the meeting and is prepared to address them (or reduce their impact).
  • The meeting leader has determined the best, worst, and most-likely outcome from the meeting and has prepared for the worst in an effort to achieve the best.
  • Critical participants have been identified and are confirmed for the meeting.
  • Non-critical participants are aware that their attendance is optional.
  • The meeting room has been scheduled.
    - The meeting room has the necessary technology (projector/screen, white board, flip charts, phone, Internet access).
    - The meeting room is suitable for the audience (size, layout).
  • Conference Bridge has been scheduled and shared with all participants.
  • WebEx has been scheduled and shared with all participant.
  • For longer meetings, snacks and beverages have been ordered and supplied.
  • Roles and responsibilities have been determined for the meeting (SME, Note Taker, Time Keeper, Judge)
  • All participants are aware of their responsibilities in terms of Preparation for the meeting.
    - Assignments have been handed out.
    - Participants have confirmed that they have completed their assignments
  • Hand-outs, slides, and examples have been prepared and reviewed.
In the meeting:
  • Start the meeting on-time – do not go back for those who are late.
  • Start the meeting with a review of the meeting objectives, the agenda, and roles and responsibilities.
  • Allow participants to introduce themselves: “Does everyone know each other?”
  • Ask participants if any other topics should be added to the agenda, if time allows.
  • “Parking lot” items are captured for follow up meetings and discussions.
  • Stick to the time schedule – allow “heated” discussions, but cut it off to keep on track with the agenda.
  • Manage to the agenda, not personal agendas or politics.
  • Encourage questions and discussions – the agenda should allow for this.
  • Avoid “Death by Power Point.”
  • Keep meeting notes, including action items.
  • Capture owners for all action items and commitments for when the action items will be completed/delivered.
  • Action Items and Next Steps have been determined and agreed on.
  • Thank participants for their time and attention.
  • End on time – respect everyone’s schedule.
After the meeting:
  • Meeting Notes, with Action Items, have been captured and distributed.
  • Meeting leader has followed up with participants and action items are complete.
  • Follow meeting and discussions have been scheduled.
  • Feedback from participants has been captured